In OBL Home Court 2025, 16 players will be split into two groups across two weekends of games, with eight players competing per weekend. The winners of each weekend will receive $1,500, and the top two players from each weekend will advance to the Championship Day. The Champion will win $20,000. All play will be in accordance with the following rules:
- Games will be played half court until 9 (nine) points are scored by a Player or the expiration of a 10-minute running game clock, whichever occurs first, with made baskets inside the three-point line counting as one point and made baskets beyond the three-point line counting as two points.
- There will be a 12-second possession clock for each possession; after 12 seconds, possession changes, even if the offensive Player has attempted a shot and gets an offensive rebound.
- After a made basket or dead-ball change of possession (e.g., turnover out of bounds or offensive foul), the other Player gets possession of the ball and the League officials will reset the possession.
- For a Player’s first 4 fouls, such fouls will result in a reset of the possession (and reset of the 12- second possession clock). Beginning with a Player’s fifth foul, if a Player commits a defensive foul, the offensive Player gets a one-point free throw attempt, regardless of whether the foul is committed while the offensive Player is in the act of shooting. Any offensive foul will result in a change of possession.
- An offensive Player may not back down the defensive Player for more than three consecutive seconds, and any such violation will result in a change of possession.
- Each Player has one one-minute timeout per game and one 30 second timeout per game.
- In the event that neither Player scores nine points by the expiration of the 10-minute period, the Player with the most points will be deemed the winner of the game.
- In the event of a tie at the expiration of the 10-minute period, the Players will play an overtime round.
- The first Player to score two points during such overtime round will be deemed the winner.